Thursday, May 19, 2011

Power 101 cont

This exercise consists of quickly and forcefully pulling the bar from the floor to over the head with elbows fully extended – all in one movement. Although the assent consists of multiple phases, the upward movement of the bar occurs in one continuous motion without interruption
Starting position
·         Stand with the feet place between hip and shoulder width apart with the toes pointed slightly outwards.
·         Squat down with the hips lower than the shoulders and grasp the bar with a close, pronated grip.
·         The grip width is wider than for the other exercises’; a way to estimate it is to measure and use one of these distances for spacing the hand.
o   Distance from the edge of the clenched fist of one hand to the opposite shoulder when the arm is straight out at the side
o   Elbow to elbow distance when the arms are straight out at the side
·         Extend the elbows fully
·         Place the feet flat on the floor and position the bar approximately one inch or 3 cm in front of the shins and over the balls of the feet.
·         Position the body
o   Back flat or slightly arched
o   Trapezius relaxed and slightly stretched
o   Chest held up and out.
o   Head in line with the vertebral column or slightly hyper extended
o   Heels in contact with the floor
o   Shoulders over or slightly in front of the bar
o   Eyes focused straight ahead or slightly upward.
·         All repetitions begin from this position.

Upward movement phase: (First Pull)
·         Lift the bar off the floor by forcefully extending the hips and knees.
·         Keep the torso to floor angle constant; do not let the hips rise before the shoulders
·         Maintain a flat back position
·         Keep the elbows fully extended and the shoulders over or slightly ahead of the bar
·         As the bar is raised keep it as close to the shins as possible

The upper momentum phase: transition (scoop)
·         As the bar raises just above the knees, thrust the hips forward and slightly flex the knees to move the thighs against and the knees under the bar.
·         Keep the back flat or slightly arched and the elbows fully extended and pointing out.

Upward movement phase (second pull)
·         Forcefully jump upward by quickly extending the hips and knees, and plantar-flexing the ankles.
·         Keep the bar as close to the body as possible, back flat and elbows pointing out.
·         Keep shoulders over the bar and elbows extended as long as possible.
·         When lower body joints reach full extension, rapidly shrug the shoulders forcefully upward with the elbows still fully extended.
·         As the shoulders reach their highest elevation, flex elbows to begin pulling the body under the bar.
·         Continue to pull the arms as high as possible.
·         Due to the explosive nature of this phase the torso is erect or slightly hyper extended.
·         The head is tilted slightly back and the feet may lose contact with the floor.

The upper movement phase: catch
·         After the lower body has fully extended, pull the body under the bar and rotate the arms around and under the bar.
·         Simultaneously flex the hips and knees to a quarter squat position.
·         Once the arms are under the bar, lift the elbows to position the upper arms parallel to the floor.
·         Rack the bar across the front of the clavicle and anterior deltoids.
·         Catch the bar with:
o   A nearly erect torso
o   A neutral head position
o   Flat feet
·         After gaining control and balance, stand up by extending hips and knees to a fully extended position.
·         Stabilize the bar over head.
Downward Movement Phase
·         Lower the bar from the overhead position by gradually reducing the muscular tension of the shoulders to allow a controlled descent of the bar to the thighs
·         Simultaneously flex the hip and knees to cushion the impact on the thighs.
·         Squat down with the elbows fully extended until the bar touches the floor

Let me know how you find these excercise until the next post remember, 'if it aint fast it aint twitchin'

Jo 'never say no' Ramahdin

Baechle, T. R. and Earle, R. W.(2008). Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning, Human Kinetics.

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